Mid-Peninsula Animal Hospital™ Blog

Wed, 06/01/2011 - 16:04 - Dr. Whitaker

Some of the most common and most frustrating cases that I see are cats with behavior problems. Why is that? Often it's because I lack quality resources to share with clients on the topic. Happily, there's some news to report in this area. Feline behaviorist, Marilyn Krieger, has written a new book, titled Naughty No More, which offers insight on correcting problem behaviors. 

In my opinion, Marilyn's book is well-organized, well-written, and very easy-to-read. It offers practical suggestions to solve big problems including aggression, inappropriate elimination, furniture scratching, and counter surfing (just to name a few).
The author begins by familiarizing the reader with clicker training techniques. These methods are essential for setting the foundation on which she builds her behavioral solutions. I found her descriptions of how to teach cats the basics using this technique very informative and easy-to-follow. I had to make myself stay on the couch and keep reading, resisting the urge to jump up and start training my cat. 
After she has provided a solid background that will enable you to master the clicker basics with your cat, Marilyn moves forward building on those principles in the chapters that follow. She also includes great case examples from her experiences as a feline behaviorist. While this may sound potentially tedious, I can tell you that I found this to be very helpful, and entertaining!
In my veterinary practice, the most common feline behavior complaint that I deal with is inappropriate elimination. As you might expect, I made a beeline for this chapter and feel that it provides the best example of the effectiveness of Marilyn’s techniques. 
She starts by recommending a visit to the vet to rule out medical issues that could be contributing to the problem. Then she provides a list of factors in the cat's environment that should be addressed to ensure optimal litter box habits. Marilyn then describes the use of clicker training to build confidence, and refocus the cat away from the problem areas. I really appreciate her emphasis on a positive approach, and feel that we all need to remember this when dealing with such frustrating problems.
I highly recommend Marilyn Krieger’s Naughty No More. Whether you and your cat have a specific problem, or you just want to enrich both of your lives with fun, interactive techniques, this book provides great information. 
Tue, 03/29/2011 - 15:41 - M. Penny

This year's Westminster Kennel Club Show at Madison Square Garden was number 135. The second oldest sporting event is bested only by the Kentucky Derby which first ran in 1875 - just two years before the first WKC show. 

The pooch that captured first
Sat, 03/19/2011 - 17:14 - M. Penny

A touching story of loyalty is coming out of Japan's earthquake- and tsunami-ravaged region, as one dog stood by his/her injured dog friend for several days until a camera crew ran across them and facilitated their rescue.

The video doesn't require translation; loyalty is recognizable no matter what dialect is barked. 


Wed, 03/16/2011 - 17:19 - M. Penny

For folks into Wheel of Fortune, it's pet week.  

Pets are not, themselves, spinning the wheel and buying vowels. It's just the Wheel of Fortune show's excuse to celebrate pets
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 15:26 - M. Penny

It's not just Bob Barker who wants you to have your pets spayed or neutered. There's a whole movement, hopefully coming to a license plate near you! 

You can help make it happen! 
The State of California is considering publishing a license plate to benefit spay & neuter programs across California, and have committed to doing so ONLY IF enough people are interested. At last check 2,587 people of the needed 7,500 have signed up.
The California Pet Lover’s License Plate is sponsored by the California Veterinary Medical Board and administered by the California Spay & Neuter License Plate Fund. A portion of the proceeds go directly to the Spay & Neuter License Plate Fund to pay for free and low cost spay and neuter programs through clinics, shelters and vouchers redeemable at local veterinarians.  


 The license plate itself is beautiful, with a graphic on the left-hand side, created and donated by international actor, artist and animal lover, Pierce Brosnan. It is a painting of two of the animals he and his wife, Keely, adopted -- Shilo the dog and Angel Baby the cat. 
Also on the plate are the words spay & neuter saves lives
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 11:48 - manish

Wouldn't you like to make Sunday a little longer? Add a few more hours, say, three (3) of them, right to your Sunday afternoon? Ah, sounds lovely doesn't it? Adding three working hours probably wasn't what you had in mind, but that's what we're doing! Starting this month, Mid-Peninsula Animal Hospital is extending its Sunday hours. Instead of operating on Sunday from 9am to 2pm, we will operate on Sunday from 9am to 5pm. Our very first new-and-improved, now with 3 more hours Sunday will be March 6th, 2011. It's all part of our continuing effort to be there for you and your animals.

Fri, 01/21/2011 - 12:38 - M. Penny

What's that

Wed, 12/29/2010 - 12:51 - Carol

People call and ask us about animal-related groups we recommend for the end-of-the-year charitable giving, every year, in December, come rain or shine.

It's actually smart family business to consider tax issues now, and that schedule A, entry 16 issue can sneak up on one pretty quickly. First you have to make a decision to have a schedule A
Mon, 12/20/2010 - 14:13 - M. Penny

Being home for the holidays with family and family-animals conjures warm feelings, if not also a warm fireplace.

But sometimes the home is someone else's and it's just not possible to take the four-legged family members, or they need special attention, and basic boarding facilities just won't do. That's why we offer boarding, so they can be here with us, for the times they can't go with you. 
During 2010, we expanded our boarding facility to include new luxury boarding. Luxury boarding means larger suites with deluxe bedding for the comfort of home away from home. As with our regular boarding, we include complimentary twice-daily medication administration and periodic email updates throughout the stay.
Luxury boarding, however, only applies to dogs. Even if your cat's personality can fill up a full suite, they are still designed for canines. Besides, what cat wants to be the only feline in a wing full of dogs? Ewww. 
Anyway, here is what they look like:
Of course, all animals are given plenty of attention. During the holidays this is particularly true, since we add staff shifts to accommodate the increased boarding population as well as our desire to play with them and share the festivity of the season. 
Apparently word's getting out, since we were completely booked for the Thanksgiving week, and we're sure to book up for Christmas and New Years. Already, we only have a few slots left before we have to break out the waiting list. Fair warning, eh?
Oh, and one more thing: if you are boarding with us, you can now download the boarding form, fill it out during the many commercial breaks of your favorite football game (or whatever), bring it with you and save some time checking in. Grab it from the forms page
Of course, even though we do love taking care of them, we'd still prefer it if you can enjoy a jolly holiday with all of your loved ones, including any fuzzy buddies. Minus any nipping at noses, ho ho ho!


Fri, 12/17/2010 - 09:51 - M. Penny

This time of year we deck the halls, and adorn the tree, string-up the lights and hang the stockings by the chinmey with care. For cat lovers extra care with tinsel can prevent what we call a string foreign body emergency, or worse, disaster. 

Generally, the culprit is a cat toy on a string, but during the holidays tinsel provides an extra danger.  If a cat ingests a string foreign body it can damage the intestines to a fatal result, unless caught fast enough for surgery. 
Your clue is violent vomiting. Now, coughing up a hairball is one thing, but if your feline is violently vomiting, particularly if their favorite toy all-of-a-sudden goes missing, pay immediate attention. Take your cat to an animal hospital without delay.
Better yet, be careful with your tinsel, and after hanging it, make sure you clean up any extra. Of course, nowhere does it say that tinsel is mandatory. In any case there's no need to worry, just something to know. 
It's like holly or mistletoe; if you like to decorate with holly or mistletoe, don't let your animal eat either one. Above the door? Fine. Where cats don't climb? Sure. Decorate the dog's food dish with holly or mistletoe? Uh, no.  
It's fairly straightforward. Doesn't take a wise man. Just a little FYI. 
Speaking of info, you already know whether your animal tends to eat people food. If so, try to keep the fat intake low. Use your own judgement since you know your pet's GI tract. If you want tons more information about animal-related potential holiday hazards, read this article.
And now that you know, you're good to go have some holiday fun! Deck those halls, trim those trees, and whatever else you do -- to thine own elf be true.